Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Miryai Mt. Organic Fertilizer

Miryai Mt. Grow Mix (20-10-4)

22 cups 7-3-1 bat guano
1/2 cup 0-12-1 guano
2 cups alfalfa
1/2 bag (10#)organic worm castings

Spread 5 gallon mix evenly over an 80 square foot bed.(ok to substitute 25 gallon compost for worm)apply also as a sidedressing every 3 weeks during vegetative growth and for non fruiting greens.

Miryai Mt. Fruiting Mix (10-21-4)

9 cups 7-3-1 guano
4 cups 0-12-1 guano
2 cups organic alfalfa

Sidedress flowering and fruiting plants every few weeks

Annual Remineralization

4 cups azomite
2 cup kelp
1/3 cup Calcitic lime
1/3 cup gypsum
1/3 cup dolomite
1/2 teaspoon borax
1 teaspoon zinc sulfate